Make a Really Rubbish Scarecrow

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Really Rubbish Scarecrows will be displayed in Antrim Castle Gardens for all to see during Garden Show Ireland and we’re inviting local Primary Schools to get involved!

If your school is up to the challenge, why not apply and start to create your Really Rubbish Scarecrow – one that is not so good at chasing birds, but good at attracting them!

All you need to do is sign up by 5pm 30 April 2024 , and get to work on creating your Really Rubbish Scarecrow!

The closing date has now passed, for further enquiries please email


Rules of Entry
  • This competition is open to all primary schools.
  • Applications for entry must be submitted by 5pm 30 April 2024
  • Each scarecrow must be completed and delivered to Antrim Castle Gardens on 10 June 2024.
  • Each scarecrow must come with a name tag to display the scarecrow’s name, the school name and the name of the person/s/class who made the scarecrow.
  • The scarecrows MUST be within the maximum permitted dimensions (see section ‘Thing You Will Need’ below).
  • Each school can enter up to six scarecrows.
  • To do their job, scarecrows have to stand out in the field in the wind and rain, so they must be sturdy to withstand bad weather.  IT IS ESSENTIAL TO USE STURDY WOOD.  DO NOT USE BAMBOO STICKS AS THEY ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH AND THE SCARECROW WILL FALL APART.
  • Keep your scarecrow light and not top heavy.
  • Use waterproof paints and glues.
  • Don’t use Mummy’s best dress without getting permission!
  • Best in Show
  • Most Eco Friendly
  • Most Imaginative
  • Quirkiest
  • Special Category: Best at attracting Birds
Things You Will Need

Here are some things you will need to make your ”Really Rubbish Scarecrow’, but please feel free to  add your own creative flair!

  • 1x Wooden stake approx. 1.55m long (approx. 5ft) x 2 inch square
  • 1x Wooden stake approx. 1m long (approx 3ft) x 2 inch square
  • 1x Wooden stake approx. 30cm long (approx 12 inches) x 2 inch square
  • Old clothes (shirt or jumper, trousers, hat etc.)
  • An old pair of tights
  • Some straw or hay
  • String
How to Make Your Scarecrow
  1. Frame: First of all, tie the 1m stake to the 1.55m stake, about 15cm from one end, in a cross shape and then tie the other stake in the same way about half way down.
  2. Head: Cut one leg from the tights and fill with some straw.
    Push the straw firmly to the end and make it into a ball shape.
    Tie a piece of string around the tights to stop the straw falling out.
    Now tie the ball shape to the top of the frame.
  3. Dress: Dress your scarecrow by placing the shirt on the top crossbar and the trousers on the smaller bar.
    Push straw or hay inside the clothes to fill them out.
    If you want to, you can put a hat on the head.
    If you want you can push some straw under the hat and leave it dangling out to look like hair.

Using the Show’s ‘Pure Imagination’ theme, schools are encouraged to use their imagination in their creations.

Scarecrows should be made from recycled materials and can be Willy Wonka inspired.

Your Really Rubbish Scarecrow is now ready to start attracting all those birds!