Make a Miniature Garden! ‘Birds, Bees, Bugs & Butterflies’

Sponsored by Dunadry Hotel & Gardens


We’re inviting local communities, charities and enthusiastic gardeners to join in on Garden Show Ireland’s festival of flowers, food & fun by creating a Miniature Garden!

The finished mini gardens will be on display throughout the 3 days of the Show and all you need to do is sign up by 5pm Tuesday 30 April, and get to work on creating your small garden in a container, ready to be delivered to Antrim Castle Gardens by Thursday 13 June 2024 between 9am-5pm.

The closing date has now passed, for further enquiries please email

What You Need To Do

Get together with members of your Community Group or Charity or group of friends or family in advance of the Show and plan a small garden in a container.

  • Container/s can be any size and shape as long as they fit in a 3m x 3m plot.
  • Judges of the Awards will commend creativity and use of re-cycled materials. So your miniature garden can be in a bucket, a boot, or a basin! Or any type of container or pot that is sustainable.
  • The miniature garden can consist of one or several pots or containers but should be easily transported. Remember you will have to deliver the finished miniature garden to Antrim Castle Gardens, so ideally it will fit in the boot of a car.
  • Participants will be required to provide all their own materials and plants.
  • Plants can be anything from ornamental flowers or shrubs to vegetables, herbs or small trees.
  • Each Miniature Garden will be identified by a sign provided by Garden Show Ireland using the name of your organisation.
  • You may wish to include a (weather-proof!) sign which identifies any key characteristics of the Miniature Garden. It can include photographs showing those involved and how the garden was achieved.
    The Theme

    The theme for the Miniature Gardens is: ‘Birds, Bees, Bugs & Butterflies’. The theme can be interpreted in any way you like. The judges will be looking for imagination and creativity in your interpretation!

    You may wish to create a garden that attracts wildlife or look at ways of creating healthy gardens, ways of feeding nature in your garden, ideas for using our gardens to help the planet, or even reproduce your own version of a bird, a bee, a bug or a butterfly! The choice is yours!

    • Applications should be submitted by 5pm Tuesday 30 April 2024.
    • Your Miniature Garden should be delivered to Antrim Castle Gardens and the display laid out on Thursday 13 June 2024 between 9am and 5pm.
    • Breakdown and removal of your display is from 7pm on Sunday 16 June 2024 or on Monday 17 June 2024 between 9am and 5pm.
      Items not removed by Wednesday 19 June 2024 will be sent for re-cycling.
    Viewing By The Public

    The Miniature Gardens will be on show at Garden Show Ireland for the three days of the Show from 14 – 16 June 2024. Show opening times are 10.00am-6.00pm each day.


    Judging / Awards
    • Awards will be presented at the Awards Ceremony on the opening day of the Show Friday 14 June 2024. All participants are encouraged to attend.
    • Awards will be presented in the following categories:
      • Best Overall Miniature Garden
      • Best Interpretation of the theme
      • Most Creative
      • Best Design
      • Best Use of Re-cycled Materials

      Judges will be looking for creativity, use of re-cycled materials and well presented displays.

      Free Entry
      • There is no fee for participating in the Show by entering a Miniature Garden display.
      • Community groups or charities are welcome to include leaflets and information about their organisation.
      • Participants will be required to provide all their own materials and plants.